MCV Signs Letter re: An Act Preserving Open Space, June 8, 2022

MCV has signed this letter with several environmental organizations to Senate President Karen Spilka asking for An Act Preserving Open Space in the Commonwealth (H.851, S.2820) – informally called the Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA) – to be finalized without a cash for land provision.

Now we are asking you to contact President Spilka, thank her for passing the PLPA, voice your support for the PLPA, and ask that she agree to a final bill that does not have a cash in lieu of land provision. Please call (617-722-1500) or email ( her as soon as possible so we can get final passage of the bill before the legislative session ends next month.

After 20 years, it’s time to get this bill across the finish line. Read the letter below.